

Back in Action 2021: Highlights of Poly’s 秋季运动会

当保利学生运动员和他们的教练重返赛场时,你可以感受到球场上的兴奋和肾上腺素. Their hard work 和 training paid off—Varsity Girls’ Volleyball, Varsity Girls’ Soccer,大学 男孩”, Girls’ Cross Country, Varsity Girls’ Tennis competed in the NYSAIS championships in November. 校足球 competed in the Metropolitan Independent 足球 League (MIFL) playoffs.

Varsity Girls’ Volleyball NYSAIS  & Ivy League Championships

大学女子排球运动员连续第三次赢得NYSAIS州冠军,并获得2021年常春藤预备联盟冠军,结束了一个出色的赛季.  This year, team awards went to 斯嘉丽·比尔德《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》Ariana Rodriguez ’23 作为球队mvp. 贝拉·纳什,23岁Paulina Marino-Bindi ’23 represent Most Improved Players 和 卡罗琳·汉娜22岁 earned the Blue Devil Award for her amazing display of character.

贝拉纳什 她回忆说,和她的队友一起去拉斯维加斯和凤凰城的旅行帮助队员们变得更加亲密. 她补充说, “我相信,这支球队之所以能成为一支总冠军球队,是因为我们的教练督促我们做到最好.”

我可以肯定地说,我个人的亮点是结识了新面孔,并作为一个团队成长起来。 斯佳丽的胡子. “Particularly for this year, 14个女孩中有12个是新加入保利队的,所以我们必须非常努力地培养化学反应. What made this a championship team was our extreme talent 和 potential. Every single one of the girls worked extremely hard 和 it ended up paying off.”

秋季运动会 Champs 女子排球

赢得半决赛对大道的比赛是本赛季的亮点 Paulina Marino-Bindi ’23. “我觉得这是我们本赛季竞争最激烈的比赛,除了进入冠军赛之外,还有很多其他的事情要做.” “Although our team had extraordinary talent this year,” said Marino-Bindi,  “我真的认为是球队的化学反应让我们团结在一起,成为了现在的冠军球队.”

Varsity Girls’ Tennis NYSAIS 和 Ivy Competitions
秋季运动会 女子网球

The tennis courts were on fire this year. 多边形 编辑器 卡莉·派尔斯22岁 reported, “For the first time in years, the Girls’ Varsity Tennis team 在以7胜1负的战绩结束了令人难以置信的常规赛之后,他们进入了常春藤预备联盟冠军赛. 由教练带领 杰夫Amurao施薇塔拉纳10月27日,周三,球队收拾好行装,前往塔利镇迎战哈克利.“虽然保利以2比3输掉了比赛,”阿村尾说,“但进入决赛对双方来说都是一项重大成就。 霍琳·卡普,25岁贝拉·索尔22 securing victories in the loss.”

In NYSAIS,  both singles 和 doubles advanced to the semifinals. Poly defeated Marymount in singles before losing again to Hackley in the semis. 的半决赛队 Mia Edwards, 23岁 和 Pyles also advanced to the semis before falling to Marymount. 在双打比赛中,派尔斯和爱德华兹进入了半决赛,但他们输给了玛丽蒙特.

In the Ivy Prep League Championships, 保利大学女队在对阵霍勒斯·曼恩和道尔顿的比赛中取得了令人信服的胜利, 然后进入决赛对阵哈克利,并以2-3的比分输掉了决赛.


Both Karp 和 Saul were recognized with 常青藤第一队 荣誉.

There were many season highlights: Karp dominated at 1S, losing to only one player all season, eventually making up for that loss in the Ivy playoffs against Hackley. Saul finished with an overall singles record of 10-1. 高级队长 Francesca Corsalini ’22 在单打和双打上都展现了她的多才多艺,并在这两项比赛中都创下了获胜纪录.

Pyles said the personal highlight of the season for her was Senior Night. “Our teammates made all of the seniors feel so special 和 appreciated, to add to the celebration, we won our match 4-1! It was really a great night. 我认为这支网球队的特别之处在于所有队员之间的联系. 每个人都在需要他们的时候出现,把他们的全部投入到训练和比赛中. 最有帮助的可能是每个人都很享受和彼此在一起的时光. 我认为我们的成功主要归功于我们惊人的团队活力和我们的教练.” 

“看到球队在高压环境下的能力有所提高,” was the highlight of the season, Amurao说. “In our regular season Trinity match, 在第一场紧张的双打决胜局中,米娅·爱德华兹和卡莉·派尔斯打得火热. 在灯光下, 我看到他们在巨大的压力下,在一群喧闹的观众面前,达到了巅峰状态. It was exciting to witness. On the final point, Mia ripped a down the line foreh和 for a winner. 这标志着我们第一次以5比0的优势被淘汰,并开始了15场个人比赛的连胜.”

卡普说:“本赛季我个人的亮点是击败了哈克利排名第一的单打前辈. 比赛持续了两天,最终比分是6-4 - 5-7,第二天,我在第三盘以6-0获胜.”

“Our team had a strong bond this year,卡普补充道, “重要的是我们在比赛中互相支持,我们做得非常好. The doubles teams had great teamwork 和 we all practiced long 和 hard, sometimes at 6:30 AM, in order to make it as far as we did.”

Varsity Girls’ Soccer in NYSAIS Playoffs
秋季运动会 Champs 女子足球

因新冠疫情休整22个月的女子大学足球队以崭新的面貌重新回到了赛场. With a mix of new players 和 seasoned veterans, the Blue Devils came out to a 5-0 start to kick off the season. With the leadership of two time NYSAIS Champion seniors 安娜贝尔·拜耳,22岁, 艾米莉·博耶,22岁, 塔米亚·杜比达22岁, 贝拉·法卡斯,22岁, 凯特·兰伯特22岁, 这支年轻的队伍在充满挑战的常青藤联盟赛程中取得了第三名的成绩. 

艾米莉·博耶,22岁 她还记得季前赛和队友们去罗德岛的那次旅行,那是整个团队团结的重要组成部分. 她说, “在分开这么久之后,这是我们相互了解的好方法, especially with so many new 8th, 9th, 10th graders on the team.”

This year, team awards went to 艾丽·威瑟,23岁, 佐伊·威尔斯23岁, 安娜贝利拜耳. 常青藤第一队 Prep League Awards went to 贝拉法卡斯, Nicole Bogdanos ‘23, 伊利安娜·博尔赫斯,24岁 . Goalkeeper 和 occasional field player Julia Rosenberg ‘24 earned All Ivy Prep League 2nd team 荣誉. 

In the NYSAIS playoffs, 保利以2比0战胜了曼哈顿哥伦比亚文法预备学校. 随后,保利在四分之一决赛中在哈克利的主场以1比0击败排名第二的哈克利. 随后,保利在创纪录的700名观众面前主持了半决赛,最终在11月5日陷入了一场艰苦的战斗.

安娜贝利拜耳 说到这个季节, “Our team is really inclusive 和 sets high st和ards for each other, 在教练的带领下. 我们工作很努力,但我们也有很多乐趣,这表明我们相处得很好. 我们似乎都在同一时间变得更好,这帮助我们在整个赛季保持胜利.”

Highlights of Cross Country in NYSAIS Championship Meet

周日, 11月7日, Poly’s Cross Country team competed in the 5,000 meter run in the NYSAIS Championship at Van Cortl和t Park.

“The highlight of the meet,” said Coach 丹尼尔•韦恩 科菲·罗西25年的 ninth place finish—the top freshman in the race by almost 40 seconds. 队长 福克斯·克洛斯克,23岁 was Poly’s second finisher in 41st place. On the girls’ side, sophomore Eleni Smith, 24岁 finished 77th in her first NYSAIS appearance.” “As for the season as a whole, 它在个人层面上是成功的,因为几乎每个运动员都在最后两场比赛中创造了个人纪录——常春藤锦标赛和NYSAIS. Only two runners on the team were returning members of Poly Cross Country, 所以这是一个非常熟悉的赛季,因为我们过渡到室内和室外跑道, 明年秋天, as the team only graduated one senior, 队长 凯莱布·金22岁. 二年级学生 Hazel Budker, 24岁 was captain of the girls’ team.”

足球 Reaches MIFL Playoff Game

第一次 蓝魔之夜 9月24日, 保利大学橄榄球队以35-0战胜黑麦乡村走读学校,为本赛季开了个好头. At 同学会, they also shut out Pennington by a score of 31-0. 又一场在雨中对阵哈克利的足球比赛,本赛季又一次战胜了哈克利. With a 32-0 victory over Hackley, 蓝魔大学橄榄球队进入了美国职业橄榄球大联盟季后赛的最后一场,对手是康涅狄格州的霍普金斯大学. 不幸的是, after a valiant effort, Poly lost to Hopkins by the score of 38-36, finishing the season 6-2.
